How To Easily Backup Your Important Files Online 

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Backing up your computer is a very important step to take when you have important files on it; especially if it is a business computer. Your computer’s hard drive can crash anytime or your computer can be stolen; which could be frustrating. While there are different methods of backup which normally requires you to manually do the backup or schedule it at a given time. Now with cloud storage (online backup) you can automatically backup your files without hassle whenever your PC is connected to the Internet. Here are a few popular cloud storage technologies. In this article, I will teach you how to easily backup your important files online.

OneDrive (formally SkyDrive) is Microsoft’s online storage that gives 5GB of free storage. All you need to get a OneDrive free storage is a Microsoft account, Live, Hotmail or Outlook account. To automatically sync your files to OneDrive all you need is to download and install the OneDrive application on your computer or smartphone. This will prompt you to enter your Microsoft account details and then place a folder in your computer that you can place all important files that you want to automatically sync to your OneDrive account when your computer is connected to the Internet.

To access your OneDrive from another computer or smartphone, you can type the following url in your web browser

How to easily backup your important files online Google Drive (formerly Google Docs) is also another cloud storage facility that gives 15GB of free storage. All you need to get is a Google Account (Gmail account). To automatically sync your files to your Google drive, you need to download the Google Drive app and install it on your computer or smartphone.  This will prompt you to enter your Google account details and then place a folder in your computer that you can place all important files that you want to automatically sync to your Google Drive account when your computer is connected to the Internet.

To access your Google Drive from another computer or smartphone, you can type the following url in your web browser

How to easily backup your important files online There are a lot of other free online storage facilities like Dropbox, Apple iCloud for Apple device etc. but these are the most popular.

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