5 New Features Coming Soon On WhatsApp

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The world’s favorite messaging app WhatsApp Messenger is rolling out new features for group chats in weeks to come.

The Meta-owned messaging app WhatsApp Messenger, recently announced on their official blog that they are sharing their new vision for a new major feature called Communities. According to the WhatsApp team, the Communities feature on WhatsApp will enable people to bring together separate groups under one umbrella with a structure that works for them. That way people can receive updates sent to the entire Community and easily organize smaller discussion groups on what matters to them. Communities will also contain powerful new tools for admins, including announcement messages that are sent to everyone and control over which groups can be included.

We think Communities will make it easier for a school principal to bring all the parents of the school together to share must-read updates and set up groups about specific classes, extracurricular activities, or volunteer needs says the WhatsApp team.

Other New Features

WhatsApp Messenger is also coming up with improvements on how WhatsApp groups work. This should change the entire group chat experience.

Image source: WhatsApp blog
  • Emoji Reactions – Emoji reactions just like on Facebook are coming to WhatsApp so people can quickly share their opinion without flooding chats with new messages.
  • Admin Delete – Group admins will be able to remove errant or problematic messages from everyone’s chats. As a group admin, you won’t need to request someone to delete a particular message, you can delete it for everyone.
  • File Sharing – File sharing to support files up to 2 gigabytes so people can easily collaborate on projects. Currently WhatsApp has a limited file size upload which makes users to go for apps like Telegram to share large files.
  • Larger Voice Calls – Introducing one-tap voice calling for up to 32 people with all new design for those times when talking live is better than chatting.

There is also a rumour that WhatsApp may allow group chat members to exit a group without group members noticing.

Source: https://blog.whatsapp.com/

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