The iPhone Before iPhone

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Those of you who watched the keynote of the first Apple iPhone in 2007 could still remember these words from Steve Jobs.

So, three things: a widescreen iPod with touch controls; a revolutionary mobile phone; and a breakthrough Internet communications device. An iPod, a phone, and an Internet communicator. An iPod, a phone— are you getting it? These are not three separate devices. This is one device, and we are calling it iPhone. Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.

– Steve Jobs, January 9, 2007

Apple Inc. is currently one of the most valueable companies in the world, and the first company to record a market capitalisation of $1 Trillion. All these revenue is acquired from their line of products and subscription services, from the iPhone, iMac, MacBook, iPad, iPod, iWatch, iTune Store, Apple Tv etc.

Apple started using the prefix “i” with the launched of the iMac G3 in 1998, and till date the prefix in used on their product brand names. In 2007, Apple announced their first smartphone product called iPhone, which wasn’t actually the first phone to have that name. The first iPhone(internet-phone) model was released by Infogear in 1998, a company that was later acquired by Cisco in 2000.

The Original iPhone

The then iPhone was an innovative internet appliance that has touchscreen, web browser, email client and other productivity apps. It was made so that users could access the internet or send and receive emails without using their home computers.

The Trademark Dispute

Apple released the iPhone knowing that Cisco was the owner of that brand. A day after the released Cisco filed a lawsuit against Apple for using the name. But Steve Jobs with his negotiation tactics was able to come to terms with Cisco on bases that Cisco allowed them use the name. Apple and Cisco settled their dispute to allow both companies use the name “iPhone”.

As if that wasn’t enough, Apple has to still asked Cisco to borrow them the brand iOS. Which was Cisco’s Internet Operating System by then.

One more thing…

Infogear also designed a tablet called iPad as a prototype, but never took it to the market says Bob Ackerman, the father of the original iPhone.

iPad prototype by Infogear

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