7 Useful Google Search Tools You May Not Know About

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Almost every Internet user uses Google Search to look for information or other resources. While it is so simple to just type a search query and Google’s spiders can crawl the web to find links about your search term, but there is more you can do with Google Search. Let’s find out…

7 Useful Google Search Tools You May Not Know About


1. Countdown and Stopwatch Timer – You can use Google Search to create a countdown or stopwatch timer by just typing for example: timer 20 minutes and press enter or click searchThis should display two tabs, TIMER and STOPWATCH with controls.


2. Currency Conversion – Use Google search to convert the rate of different currencies by just typing for example: 500 euro in dalasi and press enter or click search to display the converter tool with options.

3. Unit Conversion – You can use Google search to convert different units of measurements by typing for example: 20 inches in cm and press enter or click search. The tool has different measurement units to choose from.

4. Country Population Checker – Know the population of any country by typing for example: population india and press enter or click on search.

5. Flight Departures & Arrivals  – Check for flight departures and arrivals of a certain location including related information by just typing for example: Flights to Banjul. For more flight information use Google Flights.

6. Google Calculator – You can use Google Search to perform basic and complex calculations using the Google Calculator, just type for example: 10+20 and press enter or click search. 

7. Weather Forecast – Know the weather of any city or country by using the Google Weather tool by just typing for example: weather gambia and press enter or click search.


For more Google Search tips and techniques you can download the power-point file below.

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