The Shift key is a very useful key, apart from just using it to type the upper characters on the keyboard; we can also combine it with other commands to execute a task. Here are some of the tips:
1. You can quickly create a Folder using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N. This shortcut does not work on Windows Vista and XP.
2. You can enhance your “Send To” list when you right click. To see more Folders instead of the defaults like, Compressed Zip Folder, Desktop (create shortcut), Removable media etc. All you need to do is to simply press and hold the “Shift” before clicking on “Send To”. This feature will give more folders to send your item to. Note: using this method will move the item(s) from its current location.
3. You can quickly delete an item permanently from a computer without placing it in the Recycle Bin. To do that, press and hold the “Shift” key and then delete the item.
4. The Shift key can also be used to modify the mouse behaviour on a computer. Holding the shift while clicking on a link in a web browser might cause the page to open in a new window, or to be downloaded.
5. When drawing you can use the shift key to confine the shape to a straight line, usually vertical or horizontal, or to draw squares and circles using rectangle and eclipse tools, respectively.
Ousman Faal [Digital Vigilante] is a Tech Entrepreneur & Digital Skills Trainer who teaches both in the classroom and online. He has experience in various technologies and likes sharing it with others. Ousman has published 149 articles on this blog. He is the CEO of Faalen Technologies and