Microsoft Office Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet applications existing, with hundreds of built-in functions. In this post I want to share with you the Weekday function which you can use to find the day of the week of any date inside an excel spreadsheet cell.
First, we are going to insert our desired date using the DATE function. The formula syntax should look like this: =DATE(year,month,day) , for example: =DATE(2017,05,30). This will place the date in the proper format based on your computer’s regional settings.
Now lets learn how to use the WEEKDAY Function to find the day of the week of a given date. Now enter the following data in an Excel spreadsheet just like the image below:
You should get a number from 1-7. 1 represents Sunday, 2 represents Monday and so on up to 7 which is Saturday.
You may also want to learn more on how to work with DATE and TIME in Microsoft Excel.
Below is a video I made that thoroughly explains how to work with Date and Time in Excel.
Ousman Faal [Digital Vigilante] is a Tech Entrepreneur & Digital Skills Trainer who teaches both in the classroom and online. He has experience in various technologies and likes sharing it with others. Ousman has published 150 articles on this blog. He is the CEO of Faalen Technologies and